Light Seeker Media Pvt Ltd is inviting scripts for their next feature film production – This time for a Malayalam movie .
If you believe you have a story that will make one of a kind movie, a movie which can immediately grab attention, entertain and inspire , then get in touch with us now! The story should resonate to an ordinary Malayali, with nuances and situations relatable and based out of Kerala.
Write to us at or Upload the synopsis below by filling in the below form – Please share just a single page synopsis of the entire story. However ensure the synopsis enough details to understand why we should select it.
If we like your synopsis, we will connect with you to hear your script .
Genres : Thrillers, Mystery, Horror is preferred – However any script which you think is unique and will captivate our attention is welcomed.
Budgets : The budget of the film is low – to medium – extraordinary set ups, period films, or futuristic films, heavy visual effects films, explosions heavy action sequences etc. will not be considered.
Please Note :
Please get in touch with us only if
– You have a complete bound script ready.
– The script is yours and you have the rights to share the story and script or written approval from the writer / co-writers etc.
Kindly fill up the submission form along with your submission.