Creativity Coaches Or Performance Coaches are psychologists and expert mental health practitioners who are life coaches, but focus more specifically on your creative work. Your Creativity Coach will help you develop your artistic and humanistic talents using Psychological Processes and Cognitive Approaches. Having a Creativity Coach has helped thousands of artists, writers, inventors, entrepreneurs and other creative souls to accomplish their dreams.
Any creativity comes from our thoughts and imagination – And imaginations are created from our representational systems through which we create a map of the world and reality. If the map of the reality / world is distorted or may get affected with negative emotions or thoughts – it reflects in challenges for the individual. As a creative you may face multiple challenges,
When inspiration strikes, you might be overwhelmed by your own vision , You may have gotten stuck in a repetitive mode. You may feel stress, anxiety, depression and feel absolutely alone – you may feel no one understands your true potential. A creativity coach understands the ups and downs of following your inner voice. Your coach will help you make sense of things.
With Cognitive Creative Coaching, you’ll discover the deeper meanings behind your ideas and what’s really motivating you, and what’s stopping you from pursuing it, and help you overcome the blocks on the way.
It starts by helping you understand your core skills and what you want to achieve or where you want to be. With support and a plan, you’ll finish what you started. There will be no more giving up. If you need to stop and think things through again, the coach will show you how that’s an opportunity instead of a failure. When you feel blocked or unproductive, a creativity coach knows how to get your juices flowing again. You’ll discover the joy of following your dreams. Your yearnings will shift into action.
The Creative Process is a unique Challenge And Creative People need a special kind of support.
• Achieve your creative goals
• Understand mental blocks
• How to mitigate mental blocks
• Find peace in your journey
• Be fulfilled
• Follow your dream without
• inhibitions and anxiety
• Handle rejections better.
• Create better ideas, concepts, and creatives
• Overcome setbacks
• Ignite your hidden talent
• Believe in yourself
• Take your art higher
• Manage stake holders
• Manage professional relationships
• Tap into success & abundance mindset
• Raise above validating seeking behaviour
I Work with
Film makers
“After several years working in the creative business – and years of studying and analyzing the creative process with psychology, I have built up quite a ‘bag of tricks’ – insights into what works, what doesn’t, what makes things easier and what makes things worse.
This experience, these strategies and solutions are at the core of my creativity cognitive coaching service.
I also have a unique approach, featuring the secret ingredients…”
Cognitive Creative Coaching is a specialist form of coaching – designed purely to support the brave creative souls who are stepping up and pursuing their craft.
If you think of the most successful creative people the world has known – and how they achieved their great work, and how they achieve the success they currently- despite the many obstacles that we all encounter.
You will see most of the great creators had some kind of support system; a champion or cheerleader or secret weapon to guide them through the inevitable wobbles of the creative journey.
After all, even the most brilliant and talented genius can’t see their own blind spots.
This is the role of creativity cognitive coaching; to offer the process and structures and support that make the difference between giving up and hanging in there:
When we create, we bring our inner world – our true selves to the work.
Our energy, mood, emotions and challenges all effect our creative efforts. They even show up in our work.
So my approach to creativity cognitive coaching is to treat creative blocks by tapping into your unconscious mind, to build a foundation of congruence, health, wellbeing, confidence and inner calm.
We’ll explore strategies to revitalise the whole you, not just your creative self.
The result is more joy, fun and ease in the creative process, as well as a healthy life balance and a fulfilled sense of self.
How do you know if I’m the coach for you? Contact me and find out! I offer an initial complementary session where we can discuss what you are looking for and what I can offer you. We’ll soon find out whether we are a match!