


For the one who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for one who has failed to do so, his very mind will be his greatest enemy.


Creativity is essential for achieving extraordinary success and remarkable progress in one’s personal, professional, and social life. For many decades, several scholars, therapists, psychologists, and even neuroscientists have been relentless working in methods boosting cognition, creativity, and innovative thinking.

The creative contributions of extraordinary and successful people continually wow us. Their creativity makes us wonder if we could ever attain such height of creativity and success, and how we can channel those creative energies to our businesses and everyday life.

Once you have understood your inner reality, you control the reality around you and what you create. The good news is that no matter how uncreative or unimaginative you may consider yourself to be – The truth is we are all creative, and it is possible to hack your mind to become the best version of yourself and be successful in whatever you may choose. And I’m about to show you how.

The Role of Cognition in Creativity

“Without the mind, the body is not capable of delivering anything beyond an average performance.”


How much role does one’s cognitive ability play on creativity and success? Brace for impact as the answer may shock you! Your creativity is nothing but your cognitive and psychological ability, it is also interestingly more neurological, intellectual, motivation and personality driven. The richness in the way we process information  through our Visual, Auditory, Kin aesthetic (touch) , Olfactory ( Smell) and Gustatory (taste) senses and how we that we alter, modify and distort information within ourselves to make sense of the information and then what we react to that information results in creativity. The function also utilizes our mental strategies, emotions and mindsets to project personality and uniqueness to each and every smallest detail we work on.  Just having a creative mind doesn’t help , it requires motivation, willingness and right mindsets and belief systems to determine what degree of success one can achieve. Success is a broad term and is different for most people, more than often- in spite of the creativity or individuals skills or hard work people struggle to find the success they desire.  This is because, it is not enough!

Therefore, to be successful, you require to correct your mindsets and beliefs which keeps you limited. A creative journey begins with building knowledge and acquiring relevant skills. The ability to aim at mastery in whatever we do surely paves the way for immense creativity and success. This ability, combined with the mind hacks in this article, will get you started for being truly limitless! With the principles I’ll show you, you will be able to rewire your brain for success. First of all, let’s learn about a vital powerhouse: the subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind: Powerhouse Of Creativity And Success

If you do not run your subconscious mind yourself, someone else will run it for you.


The concept I’m about to share with you is one of the most valuable ideas that can change your entire life. To reach the level of success, prosperity, and confidence that you want, you have to “brainwash” yourself. How do I mean? Here’s the thing – we live in a world that is constantly trying to hack your mind and penetrate your subconscious.

The media and advertising companies wants to hack your mind, and that’s why they spend over $560 billion per year in marketing to get inside your subconscious mind. You can either do the hacking yourself or let the world do it for you. Leaving the world to hack your mind could be disastrous.

You can reprogram your mind to create the desired effect in your life. There’s absolutely nothing you cannot do with this knowledge if applied correctly. Yes, you can successfully create happiness, abundance, prosperity, fulfillment, and so much more. All you need is persistence and a small amount of will power, as it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a brand new belief. Repetition is key!

How Does The Subconscious Mind Work?

“Never finish a negative statement; reverse it immediately, and wonders will happen in your life.”


To understand how to hack your mind for creativity and success in your life and business, you’ll need to know how the subconscious mind works. Psychologists, after years of research, now understands (to certain extent) how the subconscious mind works. Although the subconscious mind is powerful, it is also extremely vulnerable. Here are six relevant facts about the subconscious mind.

1. It’s a giant tape recorder

The subconscious mind picks up and records everything you say and hear even while you’re asleep. It records all of your life’s memories and experiences, storing them as mental movies and images in your mind. You may be unaware of how the back of your body is touching the seat and what the seats texture is right now, or the distant sound of unusual bird chirping – however unconscious mind has recorded this. IT would communicate those information to the conscious mind, which you want to use or communicate now.

3. It works best when you are sleeping

The subconscious mind is most active when you’re not processing too many conscious activities, especially when you’re sleeping , or while listening to music, or relaxing and surfing on Netflix or on your morning walks.

5. It cannot differentiate between imaginations and actual events

This is why you may experience real terror and develop goosebumps while watching a movie, etc. This is why hypnosis is most effective to reach sub-conscious mind as it directly utilizes the sub-conscious mind faculty. it helps to communicate, replace negative emotions and faulty learns with richer , empowering beliefs and practices. I have seen tremendous result with my clients using hypnosis.

2. It’s one big Undeletable Hard Drive bank

Your subconscious mind has a gigantic memory which has stored every information from the time you have been conceived in the womb of your mother ( some debate from even before ) to this living second. It has been storing and sorting EVERYTHING that has ever happened to you. By the time a human reaches the age of 18, the average amount of data that subconscious has received, stored and processed will be atleast 10 times more than the entire internet – on half a million topics!

4. It controls 95 percent of our lives

The subconscious mind is the basis of our entire thoughts and belief system. It senses dangers and opportunities – it also senses what we call “vibe”. It adds to every new information that we received through our sense, and make it richer with emotions processing our experiences of the past. Hence this activity of the subconscious mind becomes critical for creativity. This is why each art is different from another even if its drawn from the same visual.  While this aspect also adds value to creativity and success – the same can also be a hindrance as well as negative experiences, faulty learning, and misconceived intrepretations stops individuals to create success and greatness.

6. Repetition creates new beliefs

If you think and affirm anything long enough, you’ll eventually start to believe it, even if it’s not true.

How To Hack Your Mind in Five Steps

“As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.”


Here are some steps to help you successfully hack your mind.

Step 1: Set Your Goals

If you dont know where you are going , You wont reach anywhere. Write down precisely what you want and make it crystal clear.

Step 2: Visualize

Begin to visualize yourself already achieving your desired goals. Create mental movies on your mind and play them out as if it’s already a reality. Remember that the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a visualization and an actual event.

Step 3: Be Selective About What You Watch and Hear

Stop watching things that contradict what you want to believe. You want to make sure you give the subconscious mind the right influence by surrounding yourself with positive things that helps you believe you can be successful.

Step 4: Create Affirmations

Create short but powerful affirmations that imply that you already have what you desire. Create affirmations in the present tense such as “I am successful,” “I have everything I want,” etc.

Step 5: Act As If

Begin to talk about what you desire and act as if you already have it. People have used the word Pro-Active quite commonly – If you want to be a manager – you behave like a manager now – talk like one – dress like one and soon you will realize you have become a manager. You can use it similarly for success. Use your imagination as a child would and remember that your reality follows your imagination.

Final Thoughts

As a Creativity Performance Coach and a Life Coach, i have met several clients whose limiting thought was because of a traumatic incident, or a influencing comment or a statement made a parent etc when they were as young as 2 years of age. And with use of effective psychological processes i designed they were able to replace those mindsets and emotions . which skyrocketed they creativity performance and success in their career. The processes mentioned in this article can be used as a beginning to hack your sub-conscious mind.

Here’s an important secret: the mind is very malleable in the first 15 minutes after you awake, and this is the best time to start the hacking process. Don’t be tempted to go through your email or social media before seizing control of your day.

Hacking the mind gets so much better with a cognitive creativity Coach taking you through the process. I’ll share with you a free and practical 15-minute morning guide Hack Mornings that will help you hack the Success Program of your mind and seize control of your life. Peace!

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